Lana Traum Art
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Lana Traum ArtUndergraduate in Studio Art, focus in Ceramics with a Theater Arts Minor

  • Member of the Prodesse Scholars Program (2021-present)
  • Member of the CCA Dean's Student Advisory Board (2021-present)
  • Costume Designer for two Fringe Festival Short works (2021)
  • Experience working as a ceramics instructor at a local ceramics studio (2020-present)
  • Secretary of Miami University Ceramics Club (2023-2024)
  • Vice President of Miami University Ceramics Club (2024-present)

Art Awards

  • Self-Portrait selected for The Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition

Scholastic Art Awards

  • 1 National Gold Medal
  • 2 Gold Keys, 7 Silver Keys, 5 Honorable Mentions
  • Cleveland Clinic eXpressions Art Show: 2 Blue Ribbons, White Ribbon
  • Honorable Mention at Ilene Keller Juried High School Art Show

Through Miami University

  • Recipient of the Edna Kelly Scholarship (2021)
  • Recipient of the Vincent Inconiglios Art Scholarship (2021)
  • Recipient of Art Faculty Scholarship (2021)
  • Recipient of College of Creative Arts Scholarship (2021)
  • Recipient of the The Mary Jane Bolus Art Scholarship (2022)
  • Recipient of the Peter Dahoda Ceramics Award (2023)
  • Recipient of the Marston D Hodgin Scholarship (2023)


This page was last updated - Thursday, September 28, 2023
Copyright ©2023 Lana Traum, All Rights Reserved