SE-1, SE-1X

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Studio Electronics SE-1 SE-1X SE1 SE1X SE1-x patches sounds soundbanks programs presets analog at Patchman MusicStudio Electronics SE-1, SE-1X Soundbanks

Online MP3 Demo Available! (See Below)

PATCHMAN MUSIC Pro Patches for the Studio Electronics SE-1 and SE-1X take over where the SE-1's presets left off. These patches fill in all the gaps that were missing in the factory SE-1/SE-1X presets. There are a total of 99 Patches of the highest quality sounds available for the finest analog bass and lead synth ever! These are all new and original, professional quality sounds.


Studio Electronics SE-1 SE-1X SE1 SE1X SE1-x patches sounds soundbanks programs presets analog at Patchman Music Analog Essentials - PATCHMAN MUSIC Pro Patches Volume 1 for the Studio Electronics SE-1 and SE-1X contains all of the classic analog synth leads and super-phat basses that were omitted from the presets. You've invested in the world's finest bass and lead synth- now load it up with the world's finest bass and lead patches programmed by expert sound designer Matt Traum! This soundbank is loaded with outstanding synth basses, synth leads, chorded leads, analog emulations, specialty patches, and more.

Studio Electronics SE-1X patches sounds soundbanks programs at Patchman MusicPATCHMAN MUSIC SE-1/SE-1X Volume 1 includes all of the popular classic favorites such as House, Rave, Rap, and Moog Basses, Winwood Lead, Lyle Lead, Chick's Lead, Cars Sync Lead, Berlin Bass, Science Bass, Ocean Fuzz Bass, Billie Jean Bass, Vogue Bass, and much much more! These are THE authentic analog sounds that you've always expected from the SE-1/SE-1X. Make the most of your SE-1/SE-1X with these professional sounds and see what you've been missing. This soundbank contains 99 Pro Patches. 5 stars.

01 \Ultra Sync       34 \Reso Noise Ld 3  67 \"Duh" Moog Bass
02 \Talking Lead     35 \Ring Lead        68 \Moog Bass 1
03 \Voxy Lead        36 \Metal Lead       69 \Moog Bass 2
04 \Lyle Lead!!      37 \OB-Arp Lead      70 \Fuzz Bass
05 \Cars Sync Lead   38 \Granular         71 \Anal.Bass
06 \Winwood Lead     39 \Thunderbird      72 \"OW" Bass
07 \Rockford Lead    40 \Total Inversion  73 \70's Moog Bass
08 \Cop Show Lead    41 \Pulse-n-Ring     74 \Arp-eggio Bass
09 \Safety Dance     42 \Stick Ring Lead  75 \House Bass 1
10 \Chick's Lead     43 \Sticky Lead      76 \House Bass 2
11 \Mean 5th Ld. AT  44 \AnaGuitar        77 \Rave Bass
12 \Patchman Lead    45 \Guitarish Lead   78 \Vogue Bass
13 \Modular Reso LD  46 \Frazzle          79 \Science Bass
14 \Modular Lead     47 \Boiler           80 \Dolby Bass
15 \Monster Lead     48 \Computer Lead    81 \Puffy Bass
16 \Killer Lead      49 \Theramin         82 \Billy Jean Bass
17 \Rubber Lead      50 \Brappe           83 \Ocean Fuzz Bass
18 \ARP Lead         51 \Staccato Sync    84 \Billie's Bass
19 \Classic Lead     52 \High Strings     85 \Ballad Bass
20 \Vocal Lead       53 \Orchestral       86 \Modular Bass 1
21 \Funky Talker     54 \Super Brite Str  87 \Modular Bass 2
22 \Square Lead      55 \Synth Clarinet   88 \Classic Bass
23 \Hawkes Squares   56 \Synth Trumpet    89 \Sequencer Bass
24 \MegaTaurus       57 \4 Osc Dim Chord  90 \Upright Bass
25 \Million $ Lead   58 \4 Osc Maj Lead!  91 \Fretless Bass
26 \No Osc. Lead!!   59 \Cool Chord       92 \Synth Fretless
27 \Super Lead - MW  60 \Perfect 4ths     93 \Birdland Bass
28 \Superfat Lead    61 \Perfect 5ths     94 \Berlin Bass
29 \Sync Lead - MW   62 \Perfect Major    95 \Ringer Bass
30 \Basso Lead       63 \THX?             96 \Industrial Bass
31 \Sassy Lead       64 \Korg POLY-800    97 \Whap! Bass
32 \Reso Noise Ld 1  65 \Mean Lead/Bass   98 \Human League Bs
33 \Reso Noise Ld 2  66 \"THE" Moog Bass  99 \Rap Bass

Studio Electronics SE-1 SE-1X SE1 SE1X SE1-x patches sounds soundbanks programs presets analog at Patchman MusicSE-1/SE-1X Volume 1 Audio Demo (2.5 megs) Click on the speaker to download a high quality MP3 audio demo of this soundbank. This audio demo contains numerous short segments recorded from the SE-1. (We've added a touch of reverb to add some space). More than half of the sounds in this soundbank are featured in order in this MP3. The first half of the demo are leads, the second half are basses. Audio Demo Help

Studio Electronics SE-1 SE-1X patches sounds soundbanks programs at Patchman Music $40 (USD) Email Delivery Only.

Formats: This soundbank is available as a Sysex (.SYX) file and Standard Midifile (.MID) for Mac/PC. You will get both formats with your order. Click here for a general explanation of the various formats.

User Comments:

"Dear Patchman, recent studies show that your SE-1 sound bank is sufficiently dope to rock the MUTHA outta my SE-1X. Much thanks for your studious attention to detail. You are truly a vibe-monkey of the highest degree. The crew sends many thanks and wishes you well in your efforts to f*%$ with the funk. Best regards."

"I had an opportunity to load these sounds into my SE-1. Right On Target!!! They are going to save me a lot of programming time."

"The SE-1 sounds are 'wicked' and real phat that I bought earlier this month from you. Let me know when you do another bank for the SE-1. Thanks again and you do some hellacious programming, my friend. Real quality work and very musical sounds!"

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This page was last updated Wednesday, November 7, 2018
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