Yamaha TX802

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TX802 patches soundbanks sounds voices programs at Patchman MusicYamaha TX802 Soundbanks

Online MP3 Demos Now Available! (See Below)

PATCHMAN MUSIC offers two soundbanks for the Yamaha TX802. Each soundbank consists of 64 Voices and 64 Performances. Volume 1 was specially designed to be controlled with a wind controller or breath controller use. Volume 2 was designed for standard keyboard controlled use. Both professional soundbanks are all new and all original. We offer outstanding quantity discounts when ordering more than one soundbank. Please see below for complete details.

PATCHMAN MUSIC currently offers two soundbanks for the TX802:

TX802 patches soundbanks sounds voices programs at Patchman Music Volume 1 is designed to be controlled with a MIDI wind controller or breath controller
TX802 patches soundbanks sounds voices programs at Patchman Music Volume 2 is for use with a standard MIDI keyboard controller

TX802 patches soundbanks sounds voices programs at Patchman MusicPATCHMAN MUSIC TX802 VOLUME 1

TX802 patches soundbanks sounds voices programs at Patchman MusicWind Controller #1 - 64 Voices and 64 Performances for the Yamaha TX802 specially designed to be controlled with a wind controller such as the Yamaha WX5, WX7, WX11, WindJamm'r, Nyle Steiner MIDI EVI, Akai EWI USB, EWI4000s, EWI5000, EWI SOLO, EVI, MDT, NuEVI, NuRAD, Roland Aerophone, Aodyo Sylphyo, or Softwind Synthophone. These highly expressive sounds are also great for keyboardists when used with a breath controller such as the Yamaha BC1, BC2, or BC3 plugged into a keyboard equipped with a breath controller input or plugged into a device such as the MIDI Solutions Breath Controller Box or Anatek Wind Machine (out of production). Highly expressive lead and solo sounds, acoustic and breathy wind instruments, synth leads, and super-fat "Breckerish" chord set-ups. French horn, low orchestra brass, trumpet, penny whistle, melohorn, ocarina, strings, English horn, recorder, piccolo, fret, synth and Moog basses, Chick lead, harmonica, tuba, clarinet, Fairlight, oboe, EVI trumpet, Arp lead, Lyle-ish, flute, bass clarinet, Breckerish, Lyle brass, jazz Lyle 9th layer, solo jazz trumpet, symphonic winds, fusion lead, trumpets in 4ths, jazz trumpet section, Meth-n-Lyle, Kenton unison trumpet, big band brass chord, and much more! A 5 star soundbank. These sounds load inside the Yamaha TX802- NOT inside a wind controller.

 Please Note: This soundbank is specially designed to be controlled with a wind controller or breath controller and thus requires one of these devices for proper use. These sounds require MIDI continuous controller #2 (breath controller) in order to make any sound. If you do not have a wind controller or breath controller you will probably not be able to use these sounds.

TX802 patches soundbanks sounds voices programs at Patchman Music$70 (USD). Email delivery only. Save! Order Both Volumes now for only $95 (USD)...

Select TX802 Volume(s)...

TX802 patches voices Wind Controller EWI EVI WXFormats: These soundbanks are available in Standard Midifile (.MID) and Sysex (.SYX) formats for PC/Mac. You will get both formats with your order. Click here for a general explanation of the various formats. These soundbanks are NOT available on DATA CARTRIDGE.

TX802 Volume 1 Performances

 1 *EVI Trmpt/1 Voice      33 *Solo Jazz Trumpet
 2 *Rich Acoustic Solo     34 *Solo Bass Clarinet
 3 *Lyle Mays SoloStyle    35 *Solo Tuba
 4 *Lyle-To Be Layered     36 *Solo Oboe
 5 *Michael Breckerish     37 *Solo Harmonica
 6 *Fusion Lead            38 *Solo Piccolo
 7 *Meth-n-Lyle            39 *Milton Babbit Lead
 8 *Melo Meth-n-Lyle       40 *Milton Babbit Lead2
 9 *Lyle Brass Unison      41 *Mystery Movie
10 *Nice Jazz Lead         42 *Breath Moog Bass
11 *Pass Octo-Horn         43 *String Pad
12 *Beautiful Solo         44 *Very Dark ! !
13 *Chamber Winds          45 *PPG Random Lead
14 *Woodwind Quartet       46 *PPG Ambience
15 *Chamber Quartet        47 *Low And Dark Movie
16 *Big Band Brs.-Chord    48 *Pass Dark Lead
17 *Big Band Brs-Unison    49 *Bright Lead
18 *Trumpets in 4ths       50 *Full Lead
19 *Tickwind in 4ths       51 *Brassy Lead
20 *Jazz 9th Mix           52 *BitterMan---===:::|
21 *Jazz Lyle 9th Lyr      53 *Basso Reed Lead
22 *Jazz Trmpt Section     54 *Harmonica-Type Lead
23 *Kenton Unison Trmpt    55 *KooKoo Whistle
24 *EVI Trumpet Layer      56 *Very W-I-D-E Lead
25 *EVI Trumpet Unison     57 *Symphonic Winds
26 *Octave Trumpets        58 *Midi-val Ensemble
27 *Unison Trumpet         59 *Mollow Synth Lead
28 *Br. Fanfare Trumpet    60 * # Stereo Trumpet
29 *Low, Warm Horn         61 * # EVI Trumpet
30 *Uni-Tickwind Synth     62 * # Lyle Mays
31 *Colossus Lead          63 * # Matt Trumpet
32 *Low Lead               64 * # 1-Patch

TX802 Volume 1 Voices

 1 *?Overtone   17 *Fairlight   33 *Recorder    49 *TapBrass
 2 *Air         18 *Flute       34 *Recorder2   50 *Ocarina
 3 *Baroque     19 *French Hr   35 *Recorder3   51 *Piccolo
 4 *Baritone    20 *FuzzBall    36 *Ring Mod    52 *PPG Vol.5
 5 *BC ARP !    21 *GibsonHrn   37 *Sexy Lead   53 *Arp Lead
 6 *BlueHorn    22 *Harmonica   38 *Shew Horn   54 *Bass Clar
 7 *BowedBass   23 *Lead        39 *SoundTrak   55 *India
 8 *BrushHorn   24 *LowOrcBrs   40 *Strung      56 *RandLead
 9 *Calliope?   25 *MattTrmpt   41 *TickWind    57 *Fret Bass
10 *ChickLead   26 *MeloHorn    42 *Tpt-new     58 *Moog Bass
11 *Clarinet    27 *Mystery     43 *Trombone    59 *Lyle-ish
12 *DarkTrbns   28 *Mystirios   44 *Trumpet     60 *Loughnane
13 *DrkOrchB2   29 *Oboe        45 *VoiceHorn   61 *Ratiotomy
14 *DrkOrchBr   30 *Pass Horn   46 *WindGuit.   62 *Strings
15 *Engl.Horn   31 *PennyWhst   47 *EVI Trmpt   63 *SynthBass
16 *EthosHorn   32 *PhonicFlt   48 *M. Babbit   64 *Tuba

TX802 Volume 1 Audio Demo (4.9 megs) Click on the speaker to download an extensive high quality MP3 audio demo of this soundbank. This audio demo contains short audio clips of MOST of the PERFORMANCES in this soundbank. These sounds were recorded direct from the TX802 being controlled live with a MIDI wind controller by Matt Traum. No EQ was added but since the TX802 contains no internal effects we mixed in some delay and reverb to fill in the sound to give you a better idea of what these sounds will sound like in a mix. Audio Demo Help

User Comments...

Ed Calle Patchman Music

EWI Virtuoso Ed Calle Comments...

"Your stuff is great. I used one of your TX802 sounds combined with a harmon mute sample and the Xpander on track one, 'Mr. Slick' [on Sony Latin Jazz CD 'Doubletalk']. I am just starting to get the EWI back in shape for the new tour and will be using your sounds extensively. All the best."

Ed Calle, Grammy Nominated, Sony Latin Recording Artist and wind controller virtuoso. Has worked with Steve Gadd, John Pattitucci, Arturo Sandoval, and many other top professionals

"The TX802 Volume 1 sounds for wind controller...are really beautiful. In the last weeks I played it with great pleasure (sometimes too long on the night. :) Playing my TX802, with a WX7, and the beautiful Patchman patches changed totally my wind controller expressive world."

"FM has always been a great form of synthesis for wind controller and breath controller users. This bank is essential for any breath controlled synth fan. Fantastic work once again from Patchman Music!!!"

Other PATCHMAN MUSIC Wind Controller Soundbanks

TX802 patches soundbanks sounds voices programs at Patchman MusicPATCHMAN MUSIC TX802 VOLUME 2

TX802 patches soundbanks sounds voices programs at Patchman Music Studio / New Age Impressions - 64 Voices and 64 Performances of beautiful, lush stereo keyboard layers, breathy timbres, harps, "analog" synths, dreamy etherial pads, bass/keyboard splits, tuned drums, and more. A superb set of sounds that any keyboardist would love. 5 stars. This soundbank is for use with a keyboard (not with a wind/breath controller).

TX802 patches soundbanks sounds voices programs at Patchman Music$50 (USD). Email delivery only. Save! Order Both Volumes now for only $95 (USD)...

Select TX802 Volume(s)...

Formats: These soundbanks are available in Standard Midifile (.MID) and Sysex (.SYX) formats for PC/Mac. You will get both formats with your order. Click here for a general explanation of the various formats. These soundbanks are NOT available on DATA CARTRIDGE.

TX802 Volume 2 Performances

 1 ^Enya Harp             33 ^Tite Comp Keyboard
 2 ^Sparkler E. Piano     34 ^Michael Franks-Lyr
 3 ^Harp Drum             35 ^Michael Franks-x8
 4 ^Doom Bell             36 ^St. Michael Franks
 5 ^Fusion Vox            37 ^Gabriel Analog Pno.
 6 ^Stereo Auto-Mix MW    38 ^World Music Marimba
 7 ^Auto-Mix Layer MW     39 ^Wally Soft Pad
 8 ^Stereo Xanadu         40 ^Stereo Synclavier
 9 ^Mega Mono Whisper     41 ^Matrix + Xanadu I
10 ^Ethosphere Vox        42 ^Matrix + Xanadu II
11 ^Shimmer Etherharp     43 ^Stereo Sting Split
12 ^Falling Out           44 ^Fusion Split
13 ^802 TXture in 5ths    45 ^TX802 Mega Bass
14 ^Arp 2600 Lead         46 ^Serge Synth Bass
15 ^Glassy Oberheim Pad   47 ^Moog Bass
16 ^Stereo Matrix 12      48 ^Analog "Bad" Bass
17 ^Epilogue              49 ^Tuned Bell Drums
18 ^Harpsichordal         50 ^Muted Guitar
19 ^LA Layered Pad        51 ^New Age Guitar
20 ^Badarou Pad           52 ^Studio Strings
21 ^Funky Click Pad       53 ^Vibe/Choir Pad
22 ^Auto-pan Click        54 ^Mallet/Choir Pad
23 ^Love Scene            55 ^Studio E. Piano
24 ^D50 Breathpad 5ths    56 ^Classic FM E. Piano
25 ^Analog Click Pad      57 ^New York Rhodes
26 ^Analog String Pad     58 ^Piano / Rhodes MW
27 ^Glass Chiff Voices    59 ^Heaven Pad
28 ^Attaka Vox            60 ^St. 3-octave Harp
29 ^Angelic Pad           61 ^Tower Brass Section
30 ^Bellvoxana            62 ^LA Comm. Studio Pad
31 ^Catwoman 5ths         63 ^Piano / 12 String
32 ^Oberheim Pad          64 ^Studio Tine Vox

TX802 Volume 2 Voices

 1 Ethosphere   17 Badarou1     33 Catwoman1    49 StingSplt1
 2 TXtural      18 Badarou2     34 Final End    50 Matrix 6
 3 Auto-Mix     19 Woodklik1    35 Catwoman2    51 Xanadu1
 4 AnalBass     20 Woodklik2    36 Oberheim     52 Matrix 12L
 5 Sparkler     21 D50 1        37 Tite Comp    53 Matrix 12R
 6 5th sphere   22 Klikbrass1   38 MikeFrankR   54 Xanadu2
 7 Arp 1        23 Arp 2        39 MikeFrankL   55 SergeBass
 8 Slid Glass   24 Klikbrass2   40 AahStrings   56 Mini Moog1
 9 Doombell     25 Choirstra    41 D50 Airvox   57 MoogBass1
10 Fusionvox    26 Aaaahh...    42 BerlinBass   58 Pop It!
11 Disdance     27 Auto-Mix     43 Heavenly     59 Enya
12 Mega Bass    28 Bellvox      44 Rhodes-Pno   60 Harp Drum
13 ChorusBell   29 Shimmervox   45 Sting-Spl2   61 Fallingoff
14 Bellharp     30 AnalogStr1   46 SY99 1       62 Mute Gtr.
15 Pianissimo   31 Matrix 6     47 NuRhodes L   63 Prophet
16 Gabriel Pn   32 Wally B.     48 NuRhodes R   64 802 Bass

TX802 Volume 2 Audio Demo (4.5 megs) Click on the speaker to download an extensive high quality MP3 audio demo of this soundbank. This audio demo contains short audio clips of MOST of the PERFORMANCES in this soundbank. These sounds were recorded direct from the TX802 being played live with a MIDI keyboard by Matt Traum. No EQ was added but since the TX802 contains no internal effects we mixed in some delay and reverb to fill in the sound to give you a better idea of what these sounds will sound like in a mix. Audio Demo Help

User Comments...

"Thank you for the TX802 patches. I am very pleased with the new programs. You obviously spent a great deal of time programming the individual voices and creating the performances. I hope that FM synthesizers will be back in vogue someday soon so that you can develop more voices. However, until then, I will flaunt my cool new sounds in my new rock band. Thanks again for a tremendous product."

"Hey Matt, just wanted to say these patches sound amazing! They definitely pull the beauty out of this machine. You are the only person I found online who made performance patches and not just voice patches for the TX802. Cheers!"

"Hi Patchman! I'm not much of a sound designer, so I typically use presets as starting points. I buy a lot of different preset packs for different instruments. I gotta say, if I see you have a soundset for an item, I know it's going to be worthwhile. Last night I downloaded your TX802 patches and started to check them out. Usually I'll just flip through at first and see what's there. Well, it took me all night to get through your soundset. Every performance was so inspiring that I couldn't help but get lost in the playing. Your work is just so fantastic and I wanted to thank you. Thank you for all the joy you bring now, and the joy you will continue to bring for years to come. Sincerely, A loving fan."

"Stunning sounds! Thank you. I have recently become the happy owner of a TX802 and these have really brought it to life. Best wishes!"

"The ones you sent me for the YAMAHA equipment were superb. I'd would like to give my 'glowing' recommendation for Matt's DX7IIFD and TX802 bank sets. The sounds are fantastic! Best Wishes."

"Just wanted to let you guys know that I am really digging this TX802 Volume soundbank. I love FM and this bank certainly brings out the very best it has to offer."

"Hi, Matt. I got the bank in the TX802. Woweee they're great :)). Thanks so much."

PATCHMAN MUSIC sound design creations and products can be heard throughout the world on TV and radio, on stage and in studio recordings with the finest talents in the music business including Herbie Hancock, Michael Brecker, Tom Scott, Bob Mintzer (Yellowjackets), Paul "Wix" Wickens (Paul McCartney's Keyboardist and Music Director), Jeff Kashiwa (The Rippingtons), Nyle Steiner, Mike Phillips (Stevie Wonder), Ricky Martin, Kirk Whalum, Courtney Pine, Everette Harp, Bobby Read (Bruce Hornsby), Fred Jackson (American Idol Band), Dave Mathews Band, Dino Soldo (Lionel Richie, Beyonce, Elton John, LeAnn Rimes, Tower of Power, Ray Charles), Edwin McCain, Freddie Ravel (Earth, Wind, & Fire), Andy Hamilton (George Michael, Duran Duran, Paul McCartney, Dexy's Midnight Runners), Michal Urbaniak (Miles Davis), Michael Bolton, Oscar Peterson, Norbert Stachel (Tower of Power), Jon Anderson (Yes), Manheim Steamroller, Jaared (Peter White), Ed Calle (Arturo Sandoval), Tim Cappello (Ringo Starr), Dianna Ross, Scott Kinsey, The Tonight Show Band, Korn, Lenny Price (Earl Klugh), Ron Blake (The Saturday Night Live Band, Christian McBride, Joey DeFrancisco), Simply Red, Hammer, Jeffrey Osborne, Mark Douthit, Rob Mounsey (Grammy nominated producer, arranger, synthesist for Michael Franks, Paul Simon, Eric Clapton, Donald Fagen), Luis Miguel, Brian Simpson, Frankie Vallie, Randy Crawford, Daryl Dragon (Captain & Tennille), Marshall Allen (Sun Ra Arkestra), Richie Havens, James Brandon (Mickey Gilley), Dan Preston (Luis Miguel), Paul Taylor, Jimmy Haag (Frank Sinatra, Buddy Rich, Wayne Newton), Ringling Brothers, The Berklee College of Music, The Eastman School of Music, Stephane Chausse (Michel Legrand), Gil Melle, and numerous other top professionals worldwide!

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